I snapped these beauties during recent field work in vegetation on the Whicher Scarp, southeast of Capel. Many times I’ve been walking through the bush with my eyes intently focussed on the ground plant-spotting when all of a sudden, something makes me stop – it’s instinctive. I usually find that I’m less than 5 cm from a face-height Golden Orb or other large spider that had I not stopped, would have become a living fashion accessory! Both I and the spider remain calm – they hardly flinch and I’m so absorbed by how beautiful they are, I take the time to just enjoy them. I love seeing nature in the wild. It’s one of many perks of the job.

The wonderful 'golden orb' web that gives the spider its name. You can see her in the upper left quadrant of the photo - she's side on.

Female Nephila edulis (Golden orb spider), back view

Female Argiope trifasciata (Banded orb weaving spider) back view

Underside view