Go Green – Ultimate Indoor Garden
My last Go Green post was “Five Easy Ways To Go Green At Work”. In that post, one of the tips listed was to live healthier and a way to do…

Go Green – Five Easy Ways To Go Green At Work
At Sir David Attenborough’s recent live show in Perth, Professor Brian Cox sent in a question asking Sir David whether he was optimistic about the future of our planet. In…

Purple Tassels
Beginning to flower in the southwest this month is the very pretty purple tassels. Purple tassels belong to the plant family Asparagaceae and to the genus Sowerbaea. Sowerbaea is native…

Book Triggerplant
Today I have decided to write about an interesting little plant that is currently flowering here in the south west; the book trigger plant. The book triggerplant belongs to the…

Fungi! What is it?
Many people assume that fungi are plants, however this really isn’t correct. Fungi are actually more closely related to animals than they are to plants, but either way fungi are…