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  Quick Report – Systems Training and a bit of fun

Quick Report – Systems Training and a bit of fun

24 June, 2010 by Debbie Brace

Anyone who has been in business knows that it’s just as important to work ‘on’ the business as it is to work ‘in’ the business, even though this can often be hard to achieve. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity (if not in all honesty the time!) to undertake a full day’s training on Business Systems and Processes with the fantastic people at Curtin University’s Centre for Entrepreneurship (affectionately known as the C4E) this week. A systems thinker myself, I found the course content exciting and inspiring, and came back to the office all fired up to write a systems framework and schedule for development. Our major internal business processes are already documented but as I learned on the course, there are gaps that need filling, and all the while they go unfilled, inefficiencies abound. Grand plans like this often go awry – I’m sure we’ve all of us experienced that – but I can see the obvious time and cost saving benefits of systematisation, and am committed to seeing the process through. Not only will it help new members to the team to find their feet quicker, it will also make the taking on of short-term support staff when things get busy that much easier. Sincere thanks to the C4E for their ongoing support of small and medium enterprises. Ecoedge wouldn’t be what it is today without you!

And just for fun, this classic landed in my inbox last week… it reminded me of my school days, when our neighbours were one of the few people in the street with a set of Encyclopædias. Thankfully they were generous people and let us all borrow the volumes we needed for our various assignments. How times have changed!
