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  The wonder of Western Australian wildflowers

The wonder of Western Australian wildflowers

27 October, 2010 by Debbie Brace

It often occurs to me during the field work component of projects that I must have one of the best jobs around – I get to spend sunny spring days surrounded by spectacular wildflowers, listening to the red-tailed and white-tailed black cockatoos calling and generally fussing about as  they feed (which also means dodging falling half-chewed marri nuts), and adding to my budding collection of photographs. It’s a pretty nice way to spend a working day. Of course, there are ticks, spiders, snakes, the heat and the odd trip, fall and/or reluctant stints roller-skating on marri nuts! But I think it’s all more than worth it. Lately we’ve been working between Harvey and Waroona in south west WA and while the season is turning out to be very short and rather limited in terms of flowering, we’ve seen some beautiful specimens, as you can see…

Glischrocaryon aureum

Lechenaultia biloba

Grevillea wilsonii

Eastern Swan Coastal Plain Jarrah-Marri woodland

Agrostocrinum hirsutum

Comesperma virgatum

Views over the Swan Coastal Plain

Bees and ants feasting on the nectar of Xanthorrhoea brunonis

Well, that’s a wrap. Until next time…
